Musical Theatre Historian
For the majority of my life, I've considered myself to be a "musical theatre geek". While most of the world looks at me and thinks of it as just another obsession, I look at my interests and see a career.
Now I know what you're asking: "Jackie...what does a
musical theatre historian actually DO?"
Well, I've been asking myself that as well and I've finally come up with a definition that I think best describes it for me.
A Musical Theatre Historian is:
Part dramaturg
Part librarian
Part fangirl
Part teacher
Part champion of the old
Part champion of the new
Part curator
and most importantly...part
musical theatre dork!
Yes, I like to dramaturg, but I also like to sit back and listen to the album of a musical flop I've never heard of!
Maybe it means one day I'll write a book?
Maybe write for a theatre website?
I may not be sure where this road is taking me, but I can definitely say that I'm proud to consider myself a
Musical Theatre Historian.